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Suck Big Black Dick Free Cuckold Chat When I was a young, single guy, I was working in a plant in the South as a stockboy; that is, I piled the parts on the benches for the girls and women to pack for shipment. There were twenty-eight females in the packing department, nineteen of whom were black, and nine guys, including me, five of whom were black. All were really terrific people and good workers, and I liked them all. In fact, we all still keep in touch and are really great friends. I am a white guy. My favorite person of all was a full-bodied negress named Rachel, who was just nineteen at the time. Rachel was one of the sweetest human beings I have ever met. She was warm, friendly and shy, and spoke so softly that you had to listen carefully to catch her words. She was one of the loveliest females I ever saw. She had a cute, round face with soft, brown eyes and a genuine heart-shaped mouth, short black hair which surrounded her face lake a dark halo, and a truly gorgeous figure. Rachel was a real life virgin, pure as the driven snow. And, that girl looked like she was made of light tan velvet. One day, I was astonished when Rachel's best friend, a little black girl we called "Little Ruby" came to me and told me that Rachel was smitten with me. Ruby told me that Rachel had admitted to her that when she gave up her cherry, she wanted me to be the guy who stole Free Cuckold Chat marriage, I had been fascinated by black men. During those years I was too afraid, for several reasons, to attempt to get it on with any, but I did have a fairly active sex life. My problem was that I did not enjoy sex with my partners. I always fantasized about having sexual intercourse Rent Porn Interracial Porn Pics knelt there in from of her and worshipped her orally. But Rachel began to act like she was losing her mind, twitching and jerking and hunching her hips forward, banging her big pussy into my happy face. I was having the time of my like, but I also realized that time was flying by. So, I searched out her clit in the folds of pink flesh and fastened my lips over it. I began to suck, nibble and flutter the tip of my tongue at the miniature organ. Almost immediately, the brown girl went rigid, her fingers clawing at my head, a little choking sound coming form her throat. Pretty Rachel had climaxed for me! I stood up in front of her, and dropped my trousers, my long prick bounding upward stiffly. Rachel's big eyes widened as she saw it snarling at her. At the same time, she lifted one round knee and moved to the side in an open invitation. Her eyes were filled with trust as I moved closer and touched the swollen knob to her pouting wet crack, her arms slipping about my neck. I pushed, and felt my cock go sliding into the hottest and tightest little hole I have ever found. I penetrated all the way to the root in one slow, gentle plunge, glutting her with it. Rachel lifted her other leg and embraced my waist with them, sitting on the stack of boxes, her eyes on my face again. I slipped my arms around her body and held Black And White Personals

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Interacial Sex Interacial some dancing. Sam started chatting with this black guy and eventually they went off to dance. I was left sitting with his very handsome friend. We had several drinks and danced together for three hours. We were petting pretty heavily and he asked me to come home with him. I Big Black Dick Fuck Multiple Interracial Creampies cautioned me. "She ain't never done it before, but you're special to her. She's shakin' like a leaf, poor child. I'll be out there keepin' watch for you. and remember, you only got half an hour." She turned away. I couldn't believe it! I was alone with that gorgeous brown girl. I reached out hesitantly, and she came right into my arms with a little shiver. I wanted to keep her back there for he rest of the day, but I couldn't. I held her trembling form to me and just rained kisses all over her warm, dusky face, crushing my lips to her, my tongue sliding into her sweet mouth, and Rachel sucking and nibbling on it eagerly. I finally got her blouse open, and those magnificent brown globes tumbled out to me, both of them tipped with large, dark nipples. I bent my head and began to kiss and lick and suck on them, shoving the huge velvet tits here and there with my face while Rachel watched. I knelt in front of her, lifting her skirt at the same time, and noticed that the shy girl was holding it up for me helpfully. I say the most beautiful big thighs, twin columns of light tan extending upward to her clean, white panties stretched tautly across her hips. Her feminine mound threatened to burst through the thin nylon. Quickly, I hooked my fingers in the waistband and drew them down, and she stepped out of them still holding her hem Cuckold Chat Mandingo Women fuck me again. Finally, after a couple of frustrating minutes, he got his cock in. I remember letting out a terrific squeal. I was beautifully stuffed. The pain soon faded into incredible pleasure, but even though the pain subsided, I never lost my awareness of his incredible size Calli Cox Blacks On Blondes in the stockroom during lunchbreak," she began. "This is something we cannot and will not put up with. Company policy dictates that I discharge you both instantly, as you know." Suddenly, a tiny smile crossed her thin lips. "But, I understand how it is with a couple of young people who are attracted to each other, and that now and then it is a necessity that they couple by any means possible. And, because I understand, I am going to look the other way this once.: She looked at me, that little smile still on her lips, and shook her gray head slowly. "Oh, J.B., the stockroom? Don't you think Rachel deserves better than that, son? Don't you think she should be taken to a warm, soft bed instead of being perched on a stack of boxes? You live alone, and I'm sure you have that warm, soft bed for her. I suggest you use it instead of my stockroom in the future. Now, get back to work!" I could have kissed the old battle axe. Rachel and I continued our love affair for a year after that, and even her family knew and approved. She would spend every weekend with me, and we would make love. That girl just got better and better, and dearly loved to get her big pussy eaten often. To this day, I have not met a woman who could match the lovely Rachel when it came to fucking. But, never again in the stockroom! Diamond Jackson Cumbang marriage, I had been fascinated by black men. During those years I was too afraid, for several reasons, to attempt to get it on with any, but I did have a fairly active sex life. My problem was that I did not enjoy sex with my partners. I always fantasized about having sexual intercourse Free Cuckold Chat her close as I fucked the trembling girl. Rachel could not move because of her seated position, but that was easily the best piece of tail I have ever had. Her vagina was so tight, hot and throbby, and felt like satin inside as it slid back and forth on me. Never had I imagined such a marvelous fuck. She kept gazing at me with those giant eyes, her dark head rocking gently from my plunges. Then, I felt her stiffen again, her thighs tightening about my waist. Her eyes finally went shut, her head going back a few inches, and the corners of her mouth drew down in a sneer of insanity. That did it for me, too, and just as her pussy began to squeeze and relax on me, I felt my nuts explode. I groaned softly as my cock began to leap and bound within her, squirting long jets of scalding semen deeply into her receptive belly. Only then did I realize that the whistle to return to work had already blown. Quickly, we adjusted our clothing and hurried out of the stockroom. That lush, brow girls was slowing, too. Ruby was waiting at the entrance where she had said she would be, refusing to allow anyone to interrupt us. Most of the workers were already back, others still trickling in, everybody looking and Rachel and me and grinning knowingly. Little Ruby smiled and took Rachel's hand. "You're late. The
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